interlinks at end of page
By Michael Roloff
"Gley cudez in pazabi! " ["See the miracle and forget it."]
W.A.T.V. {- 1.
Should your antennae continue to detect tremors from the
aftershocks of the disintegration of Yugoslavia as they
recede with the occasional major hiccup [like the current,
Fall 1998, Kosovo monstrosity] off into the past, much like
those reverberations from the thunderstorm in Beethovens Pas-
toral Symphony, you may also recall that in 1996 Peter Handke
took A Winters Journey to the Rivers Danube, Save, Morava
and Drina [2: and subsequently wrote a 25 thousand word piece
by that title which the editors of the Sued-deutsche Zeitung,
in Munich, Germany, though dissociating themselves from some
of its points, entitled Justice for Serbia when they pub-
lished it there]. The piece caused consternation in European
intellectual circles, particularly in the German speaking
countries, but also in France and the Slavic regions - it was
felt that Handke had taken an undue pro-Serbian position in
trying to redress the balance of blame as it was being
parceled out in a discussion between members of a clan that
was largely powerless to influence these events but whose
hyper-cathected consciences, powerful verbal abilities and
desperate need to make their bird cries heard through the din
were not entirely without influence on the mediation and ana-
lysis of information about events. Six months subsequent to
his first venture, and after the onset of the controversy,
Handke, in the company of the same two Serbian tour-guide
friends, retraced the steps of his initial trip, and also vi-
sited, or what was left of it, the city of Srebrenice in the
Bosnian-Serb state Srbska on the Drina River - Srebrenice had
become infamous for one of the most heinous atrocities - and
then published a somewhat shorter text entitled A Summer
Sequel to a Winters Journey. Also, as compared to not
Handkes Slavic Connection [5]
reading any number of magnificent texts in public for some-
thing like 20 years, Handke read these interventions at large
public forums throughout Europe, appeared on television - as
a matter of fact, I would say that it was his sense of
justice that propelled him to cross the threshold that
otherwise can inhibit his spoken voice; nay, he confessed to
itching to do these readings.
Without wanting [or being in position] in any way to sort
out much of what went into the disintegration of the once
Yugoslavia, or only as little of it as I need to, I want to
focus on Handkes intervention: it is revelatory of many
matters concerning Handke, including aspects of what I have
called his "psychological catastrophe," but also of other
features, a proximate understanding of which may lead to a
better reading of him and his work. Like his pivotal first
Paris Period [1971-77] it shows the writer in a crisis, in
this instance in a crisis provoked not by personal family mat-
ters but by political events and their news coverage that yet
were family-close to his heart, a crisis in which he then in-
tervened with the two texts. {3} For me the texts present an
opportunity to reverse the process of how Alice looked,
regarding her through the lens at which she looked at these
In my usual way I myself am still hemming and hawing with
the question to what degree to attribute the strength of the
motivation for the entire undertaking of these two books and
the reading tour to Handkes voracity to display himself, to
his competitiveness, to what degree to his envy, as compared
to saner and more honorable motives such as his sense of
justice: but his "Slavic mysticism" ought not to be left out
of account either, it runs deep. It is a deep basso profundo
river running inside him, that makes him attend the Russian
Orthodox church in his "Nomansbay" outside Paris which also
is a point of reference in Justice; and it cant just be
"blood" all this irrational Slavic mysticism, it must be some
form of transmuted totemism, male brotherhood stuff, it cant
just be Boris Gudonov and their literature, Russian Slavic
Soul! A lot more big hearted than anything German; perhaps
its the combination of faith and thinking with your stomach?
as Milosevic murders on big time! And so perhaps one may
begin to understand why the two texts of Justice for Serbia
are the testament, also, to a being confounded, to a kind of
fit - whether altogether justifiably or not remaining to be
seen here. And to the most stubborn kind of adhesion to his
Slavic identity.
Handkes Slavic Connection [7]
A good way to begin to sort out the 1995-6 contretemps caused
by the publication of scandal-prone Handkes Justice for
Serbia and its Summer Sequel might be to begin with his 1991
essay Farewell to the Dream of the Ninth Land [4] and the in-
terviews on matters Slovenian and Yugoslavian, ranging from
the early Eighties to 1992, that we find collected in its se-
quel Once More About the Ninth Land [1993]. In Farewell - it
is important to know that "Ninth Land" in Slovenian signifies
land of Peace, land of Dreams - I was considerably surprised
to learn that Handke regretted the 1991 formation of an inde-
pendent Slovenian Republic, the second time that the once
K.U.K. Slovenia has been independent in this century - the
first lasted about two years subsequent to WW I; until the
plebiscite at which it joined the royal establishment of Yugo-
slavia. It was during this plebiscite, Handke mentions once
again in Justice, that the all-important father surrogate in
his life, his grandfather Siutz [Sivec in Slovenian], his
mothers Carinthian-Slovenian father, who figures as the
father figure in The Repetition, Handkes inverted rewriting
of Sorrow Beyond Dreams [the book Handke wrote to sort out
and mourn his mothers suicide in 1971, {5} - see how
complicated it gets for you who like to have your life simple
and your news in a few quick cereal bites - voted for the
Slavic option.
Surprise I say at Handkes so feeling because I recalled
his statement, it first appears in The History of the Pencil
[T.H.O.P.] [1983] {6}, and also in that collage of ten years
work that comprises the screenplay for Wings of Desire
[1987], that he was looking forward to the day when Europe
would turn back into something like its former gerrymander of
small dukedoms, with difficult access across the borders: bad
roads make for good people I thought was one sense that he
adhered to, {7} though this wish may also express Handkes
standing in the need of a lot of protection [one of my
favorite Lukacs bon mots is "Machtgeschuetzte Innerlichkeit,"
["Inwardness protected by power."] the other is L.s obser-
vation that folks like Adorno really feel stupendously comfor-
table in the "hotel abyss"]; and so I had sensed a contra-
diction between the so easily, chokingly confined ultra-sensi-
tive and nausea-prone {8} walkers love of the open road as
well as Handkes fidelity to the Herderian principle that
every ethnic group has a destiny that it ought to live out;
the more languages the more flowers; which openness might
make him, a hybrid of the borderland and of cultural mongre-
lization, look with some favor on the cosmopolitan - if
matters were quite that simple, that is.
Farewell to the Dream of the Ninth Land accounts for
Handkes passions and affections for things Slovenian in a ci-
vilized and modulated fashion; compared to Justice and its
pretty much synonymous Summer Sequel hes on his best be-
havior, yet can find no real "ground," in 1991, for an inde-
pendent Slovenian state, feels that the Slovenians were some-
how talked into independence from the outside, that is by the
West, and that though they suffered some neglect and discri-
mination within the Yugoslav confederation, that confede-
ration was yet a reformable entity whose genuine raison
detre had been forged in the smithy of fighting and suffer-
ing the Germans during World War II, and that Slovenian and
Serbians possess greater affinity and liking for each other
than of their Croatian midway neighbors who, after all, had
had their infamous Fascist Ustacha, though, and, Handke is
scarcely alone in stating that the Bosnian Muslims too, cola-
borated with the Germans - Kosovo all along remains that amaz-
ing anomaly, especially after it had lost its semi-autonomous
Handkes Slavic Connection [9]
status in the late 80s [the Kraina, the Hungarian minority;
the Slavones, etc. are of course left unfairly out the focus
of this hodge podge, and there are a lot of things I know how
to unravel, but not that].
In other words, Handke contends that by the inception of
its disintegration Yugoslavia was more than the artificial
construct and sleight of hand trick by the finesseful jug-
gler, who, having escaped the fate of the Bulgarian prime
minister Dimitroff {9}, had his act financed by the West
during the Cold War, a contention, not expressed in so many
words, however extrapolatable it is from Handkes perhaps in-
tentionally, provocatively over-idealistic description of the
cohesiveness of the younger generation of Yugoslavs. Perhaps.
Yet how easily the young were then turned against each other
and loved to fight and kill! - Just watch their respective
soccer teams during the world cup, what a nasty piece of work
they all are. - But let it be noted, too, that Handke noted
in Felsfenster, the 1980s diary excerpts published in 1998
{10} that the coldest kind of hatred had begun to prevail in
Yugoslavia around that time - that is, subsequent to the
death of Tito; and in the 1993-4 "fable" Nomansbay, which con-
tans extensive wanderings around the Croatian part of the
then still Yugoslavia, Handke makes the generous point that
the fragmentizing antagonisms which reach back at least to
World War II, will no longer affect his childrens gene-
ration, in the 1997-8 in which that fable is set! So which is
it? Realist or optimist sentimentalist? Whats it going to
Still, Handkes positive assessment of the possibilities
of a lasting Yugoslavia is a viable, arguable one, especially
for someone with his kind of Slavic roots who has a German
father and German stepfather and hates Germans and Germany
throughout his work and interviews as sick sick sick and
obscure and hateful with each other [though ultimately admit-
king that maybe there was a bit of self-hatred involved!],
and who detests the junk of the consumer culture as much as
Handke does. - And indeed, once the dust has settled a bit
and the historians of contemporary history have done their
work in disdisorienting the so easily disoriented likes such
as myself of the confusing Yugoslav events that greeted me
upon my return from three years absorbing a Mexican village,
{11} you eventually find out that about 3 billion dollars
would have sufficed to keep the federation from coming un-
glued. Steve Boros, where were you when we needed you then?
{12} If youre even still around now that the hedge funds are
disintegrating at the end of one of the biggest capitalist
splurges in history?
A second reason that Handke offers for his feeling that
the newly independent Slovenian state [as it became after the
"10 day war" of 1991] is a mistake is that Slovenia, for him,
therewith loses its "sense of reality" - and there is no argu-
ing with someones sense of what is real and what isnt; I
say that there is no arguing with your mothers voice appear-
ing in your dream that it is not real - that to follow it may
be unrealistic is an altogether different matter. The demar-
cations around the 2 million people weak state of Slovenia
put limits to a dream for the great Karst walker, it is no
longer a viable compromise and a viable com-promise for him,
and his sense of reality, would be an "as if" state, it loses
its sense of reality because it has been pinned down, and
that "kills the imagination." The poetic land is no longer
poetic for the one who walked the Karst 100 or more times and
asks for a "poets passport" to negotiate the border patrol,
who claims to know every inn, every drinking hole, perhaps
Handkes Slavic Connection [11]
slept meanwhile in each and every Dolmine, those sinkholes in
the limestone formation [see their description in The Repet-
ition] of which the poverty-stricken Karst consists. Equally
unpleasant for him, Slovenia is no longer a fraternally fede-
rated state, or rather it is unpleasantly affiliated with
Austria. What bothers him grievously is that constructed
notion of Central Europe as it is being propagated; he points
out that Slovenia is scarcely an Alpine republic - his hatred
of Austrian "stupidity" is one reason for his hatred of any-
thing landlocked [there are grievous personal and profoundly
creative ones as well and their displacement no doubt play a
powerful role here as elsewhere, see my Psychoanalytic
Monograph: Peter Handke, Between Faith and Catastrophe {13}],
and he is right in pointing out that aside some mountains to
the north, Slovenias Illyrian landscape is highly
variegated, part Adriatic, part Tuscan, that Karst, etc. -
You might say that Handkes are comparatively, to the very
least, private reasons unless one understands that without
poetry life is death. Now theres a new slogan for some
granite mean state of the North Eastern United States. "Give
me poetry or give me death," must be the best license plate
slogan to have been proposed since what?
Thirdly, Handkes fear that Slovenia will become an An-
dorra-like extension of Wall Street and its Fifth Avenue Man-
hattan shops seems borne out in a brief reprieve of Farewell
towards the end of Justice where Handke revisits his Slove-
nian haunts which within five years have been colonized by
Western merchandizing. Its a little bit like nostalgia for
East Germany - except of course that though Milovan Djilas
had more than a point in pointing out the two-tiered society
spawned by the nomenclatura [as compared, pray, to what kind
of distortions of income relations and life styles in the
world that is free to amass fortunes and yet niggle about
pennies]. Yugoslavia was an interesting and comparatively
free buffer state that indeed could be described as existing
in something of an "as if" condition, and I will not digress
into the analytic history of that mild defensive "as if"
state of the mind as it has been described by Freud, via He-
lene Deutsch to more current practitioners and theore-
ticians, and which state of mind is capable of helping you
bear no end of moderately oppressive states of affairs; that
continuum from "as if," via phantasy, day-dreaming, de-
lusions, hallucinations, to psychosis. - At any event, let it
be noted that for the pre-Socratic Handke it does not suf-
fice that the Karst no matter who rules its infertile land-
scape - its mysteries remind me of that bio-sphere, the De-
sierto Viscaino near Guerrero Negro at the border between
Baja California Sur and Norte - will always be the Karst;
unless, that is, the Austrian Ministry of Culture is already
planning tours to its Dolminen for their future Cultural
Monument Peter Handke: "He, that one, slept there."
Handkes dreams of a lasting Yugoslav federation go back
to his childhood days and to its important and good figures,
among which the Gruenderzeit Grandfather, who started saving
again after every inflationary debacle and who was famous for
his uninhibited Zeus-like fits of fury, who looms ever larger
as the backbone in a magnificently restorational and redemp-
tive yet ever more modernistic and exhibitionistic and some-
times furious classic literary endeavor, except for the occa-
sional grandfatherly major "sacred" conniption that Handke
throws when the great righteousness comes upon the one who,
meanwhile, in some of his works, is so imbued with love that
he seems to assume the role of the love-dispensing high
priest but can also come on as the Lord High Justice of the
Handkes Slavic Connection [13]
Word and World, this oddly philo-semitic authors excuse for
assuming that role being that he identifies with the just God
of Jewish scripture! {14} - Each one to his own set of self-
serving, however sacralized, rationalizations is all I can
say to that.
Also, lest we forget: whenever Handke has completed a
fine piece of work, he exults and is ready to go forth in
rage! [T.H.O.P.] Having completed Nomansbay by early 1994,
and resolving not to write anything that year, by the winter
of 1995 he had had ample time for his long-simmering upset at
what he regarded an anti-Serbian witch-hunt to stew to the
Handkean flashpoint and for him to enter the fray! - Yet his
work, and by no means alone in my instance, can also be cha-
racterized by a riff on Pounds line about gold gathering
light in the gloom, to the effect that, starting with A Left-
handed Woman & Slow Homecoming [both late 70s] and persis-
ting through his latest [1997] German language novel In einer
dunklen Nacht Ging Ich Aus Meinem Stillen Haus, Handkes work
has the astounding and quite mysterious capacity to attract
his readers affection to him as a person, or to many of the
personae that the various surrogate selves adopt in this
largely yet so uniquely different autobiographical endeavor
up to and including that major novel of his many selves My
Year in Nomansbay - with the exception so obviously of
Justice and its Sequel, which produce consternation; and does
nothing to make for peace or conciliation.
The part of the contradiction between open and closed as
it manifest itself in so much of Handkes work {15} re-
appears in Justice and its Sequel, and here reiterates one ma-
jor reason that Handke gives for his unhappiness with an inde-
pendent Slovenian state: such closed borders, such an em-
bargo might prevent entry of the monopolistic goods from the
West - bad objects it sounds like! He hopes the 1995 embargo
of Yugoslavia might last a little longer but for that one rea-
son alone! Handke, though possessed not only of a great
yearning for cleanliness up to the point of a Fimmel {16}, at
no point in these two texts enters into a discussion of the
most revolting aspect of the ideology of "ethnic cleansing"
based as it is on the reaction formation to all matters anal,
the stranger the other as feces, as dirt; the exterminator vo-
cabulary of the unloosed self-justifying death instinct whose
only pride seems to consist that it doesnt shit in its
pants. - Closed to the West, and to the "moronic" and "fat
Austria," but open to a federated Yugoslavia. - Handke, whose
ego and whose sensitivities require him to live anything but
modestly, longs for the grainy, honest time that the lean car-
penter crew in Carinthia pretty much lived in the kind of po-
verty that made them cook in the pot they pissed in the nite
before {17}, you wouldnt know it by his tastes which once
again proves that matters are not always as simple as that.
Indeed, its a question of profound physical aversions. Any
modern highrise is fled like a "suicide building" - and its
not a case of fear of heights for the once inhabitant of the
Moenchsberg and other older many-storied buildings with fine
views - ["the threat of suicide, the story of my life" used
to be a Handke refrain]. - Handke likes well-prepared first
rate peasant food, thus his eyes seize on that turkey-sized
farmfed broiler at his friends mothers house in Serbia! He
prefers the local wines to flat Frascati and comments on it.
And I realize it takes a consi-derable act of the empathic
imagination to comprehend why millions upon millions mean-
while are so addicted to the chemically in every way manu-
factured that their taste buds will eventually be called re-
actionary for adhering to what bears if any resemblance to
Handkes Slavic Connection [15]
anything natural only to some oil-slick-iridescent, poisonous
beetle as it ruins their complexions. ["Degustibus dispu-
tandum est," has always been my favorite Adorno apercu.
Handkes preferred ethnic Slovenian identity or Handkes
identification with his suffering Austro-Slovenian mother,
that as yet unbroken [or rekindled] symbiosis - its funny to
get to know your analytic shit and then read Tilman Mosers
"Novels as Case Studies" [as the German Romane as
Krankheitsgeschichten can be translated- {18], ending his
piece on Handkes Sorrow Beyond Dreams by stating that "the
author cannot be certified to have achieved objectification
of his relationship with his mother," at which point I want
to take "objectivity" and punt it the length of the scrim! Is
he meant to become a Plains Indian, tie leather thongs to his
chest and during the separation dance tear them not just sym-
bolically but bloodily out of his chest?] - Slovenia is synon-
ymous with Handkes mother, it is the fatherlandless writers
magic motherland. And though Handke says in Part One of
Justice, seeking to shortcut any objections that he might be
unduly predisposed to matters Slavic ["Anyone thinking that
my reasons might have to do with being Slavophile should step
reading right now."] he would, I think, be perfectly
justified in availing himself of the same leeway that he
grants others to be parti pris, and so would not run afoul of
any claims to having an "open mind" and using "reason" in
every instance of these two essays. - More re
"identification" anon.
In Handkes The Repetition [1986-{19] the father [the ex-
cept literary fatherless Handkes model is his grand-father]
is Slovenian and not German [as compared to Sorrow Beyond
Dreams-1971], but the originally Carinthio-Slovenian mother
becomes a German; and Handke has attested this strenuous in-
version and the need to learn Slovenian helped him retrieve!
his mother;and not so incidentally, redeem his hated fathers
tongue; no doubt also because it was now his grandfathers -
in fact, the author, also in the act of writing, became his
own Shaman and saved himself the time and effort of finding
an object-relationist analyst of his caliber to perform this
transformation! - What was and what is still left for him to
do is with what happens once the transformation is achieved
and his mastering of these internal conflicts gives him a dan-
gerously swollen head.
The Repetition is also the enactment, is the fulfillment
of Handkes yearning, chaste, Oedipal-protective formative
dream at age 12 of becoming his mothers dead brother, a stu-
dent of horticulture in Slovenia prior to WW II, whose war-
time letters as a Third Reich conscript became a Suitz family
heirloom. Repetition - the German Wiederholung implies ret-
rieval, and second time around - is that most delicate, vi-
brant and strong Vermeer-like Odyssey of a young Parcival
through the Dolminen-rich Karst border-land between Carinthia
and Slovenia - I indicated matters would become complicated.
But once you have fruitfully compared Sorrow Beyond Dreams
and The Repetition and absorbed the stupendous change that
Handke underwent between 1971 and 1986, you may begin to ap-
preciate the importance, the physical depth of Handkes rela-
tionship to his Slavic/ Slovenian heritage.
The dream-yearned-for Gregor - the dream noted in great
detail in a letter to his mother exists - already figures as
one of the two "dead brothers" in Handkes first novel, the
as yet untranslated into English [but into French] Die Hor-
nissen [The Hornets-1965] which Handke wrote at age 23 on the
Yugoslav now Croatian island Krk. In the collection of inter-
views that constitute Once More About the Ninth Land, the
Handkes Slavic Connection [17]
sequel to Ninth Land, we find out that learning Slovenian - a
five year process preparatory to writing The Repetition, also
so as to be able to translate from it into German - not only
redeemed language as such but especially German, his hated
stepfathers and condescended-to German fathers tongue for
him. Who among contemporary writers has taken these kinds of
troubles? And if you havent noticed how physical language is
to Handke you cant possibly want to read my commentaries. It
is like breathing to him, its either breathing the air of the
Ruhr or the Adria in other words! And recall how this writer
of the brilliant early texts, nonetheless expressed "nausea"
at language once upon a time, which puzzled me, the then
translator of his plays, until well into the necessary puz-
zling that is producing my book Reading Handke and its psycho-
linguistic aspects. After all, he is one of the few writers
at whose heart and lungs the word still can become flesh! -
So Slovenia is as balm to him. We all, you and I are in debt
to Slovenia! What if his exquisitely beautiful mother had - I
dont know - spoken like Franz Xaver Kroetzs broken language
creatures? Had had the face of Albert Collins? No wonder
Handke loves the Romanesque so much, derives such sustenance
from it, and not crushed auto-mobiles. {20} Whereas he men-
tions that upon returning from Berlin in 1946, at age four,
he had had an aversion to learning Slovenian in the bi-
lingual education classes at the local schools, or the lingo
spoken by the majority minority of Austro-Slovenians in the
province of Carinthia, this aversion being one of the very
few he has mean-while overcome. Handke has also translated se-
veral wonderful writers from the Slovenian which, best as I
can tell, is a Slavic tongue that has undergone some nice hy-
bridization with and modulation by Latin and so doesnt KrK
quite as much as the Republic of Srsbska. What is also irk-
some to him, and I entirely share this feeling, is Slovenias
now demarcation from Byzantium and Greece, and perhaps from
its Mongolian heritage, too, if you look at the physiognomy
of Handkes much photographed cover-boy face at certain Far
Eastern moments: Atilla has left his imprint there as well. I
even have this wild hunch that his mothers brother, his
uncle Gregor, this dream-yearned, chaste, oedipal-protective
identity and so much written about alter-ego [in The Hornets
and The Repetition] may have been killed by the Croats, per-
haps both of the World War II victim brother soldiers were,
or that Handke thinks this is what happened! His hatred for
anything having to do with WW II Third Reich fascism is as
raw as is mine: except that Handke seems to be refighting
those battles, and on the side it appears to me of a Serbian
people who are occupied, if not by the Germans, then by
shame, and which state of being occupied elicits in him the
kind of utterly stubborn resistance that indeed stands you in
excellent stead under actual circumstances; his anger and
hatred of the U.N. force, of photo reportage of any kind is
on the level of that one can presume to have been felt by the
Serbians during World War II, and is of a piece with his
defense of "The Village" in Walks About the Villages
He does not recognize either himself or the people he knows
in these reports, and the "mere mention" in this instance
makes no one happy.
Handkes Slavic Connection [19]
If you take the trouble to check the reasons Handke gives in
Part One of Justice for Serbia for the impetus that made him
want to travel to the one part of Yugoslavia he was
physically least familiar with [its history and literature he
appears to know extensively], it is good to remember that
that impetus, too, goes back to 1992 at least. Even then,
with "no one knowing what to do" [and this presumptuous "no
one" for once included the politicians not merely the would
be swordsmen of the word] Handke realized he would have to go
there, making the Faulkner-Fable suggestion that 100 million
Europeans might simply travel to Yugoslavia to just sit
around and listen, "interpose" themselves I suppose; though,
at that time, he seemed to agree with his interviewers
feeling that perhaps Hans Magnus Enzensberger, writing from
Uganda, had it right that the killing would not end until the
warring parties had worn each other out; the kind of
assessment that may be fine for two equally weighted Sumo
wrestlers, but ludicrously not so for a hodge-podge of
genocidal tribes in full froth who are not fighting with
sticks and stones or scythes and cudgels. - Enzensbergers
suggestions bears unpleasant resemblance to my favorite Nobel
peace prize winner Hennery of Wurzburgs statement: "Let them
kill each other."
I can find no quarrel with Handkes, this hater of news-
papers {2}, initial assessment of the untrustworthyness of
the parti-pris witch-hunting pseudo-objective press - Yes,
when was it that you partook of an event that you saw later
described in a newspaper or newscast and with whose descrip-
tion you could agree? Only the simplest of events - which is
why all you see on the local news are the God of Goodwill
Industries Search and Rescue operations as another billion
under-used brain cells go poof with boredom!
Handke does not merely take general exception to the co-
verage that the Serbian Slavs have received, but very spe-
cific instances get his specific goat: [1] particular umbrage
is taken to Le Monde, and an instance of legal-beagle pet-
tiness there about Kusturicas film Underground; and to the
cafe pret-a-porter nouveau philosophes; [2] an editorial wri-
ter of the hated Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, who he gues-
ses to be part of some displaced German minority from Serbia,
strikes him as hysterically anti-Serbian, he gets back to the
F.A.Z. once more at the end of Justice and really rubs it in
to make sure the provocation sticks. Chris Hedges of the New
York Times gets knifed in Summer Sequel, but either I read
him and his surrogates reports [my old acquaintance, once of
the Soho Weekly News, the Australian Jane Perlez] more imagi-
natively at this point, yet it strikes me as though Mr.
Hedges coverage became more differentiated. Especially ob-
scure to a non-German reader will be the exception Handke
takes to something the German novelist and journalist Peter
Schneider wrote, at which point oh so unfortunately, in this
kind of writerly-translaterly grueblerisch minutiae obscu-
rantist fact finding and fishing Handke is lambasting without
even quoting, and his envy of the prominent coverage that the
various uninvited busy-body surrogate sufferers who put them-
selves on the cross of their empathy in Sarajevo are receiv-
ing is showing through: Peter Schneider, who spent time in Sa-
rajevo, got his German piece published in Liberacion even be-
fore it came out in German! and then you know that you have
entered the realm of bad blood between writers and of envy,
{22} and the yen to pick a fight at any cost! Of course, yes,
why didnt he gang of intellectuals few of whom if any had
either relationship to or prior knowledge of these matters
Handkes Slavic Connection [21]
consult with someone as expert and with such close ties to Yu-
goslavia as Handke? No doubt all kinds of parochial German-
Austro-Left bad blood has not been screened out here. The one-
note-pony lambasting of the media persists in Summer Sequel
[after the six months controversy engendered by the publi-
cation of Justice for Serbia] and becomes totally self-de-
feating: you get the sense that in that respect Handke is out
of control, hes sputtering: any paper, any TV station and ca-
mera, the U.N. troops, and Handke will yap like... "a Bosnian
cur!" as the Bosnians appear nastily in Summer Sequel. Its
nitty-gritty German and European curs nipping at each other
time of the worst kind. And I end up cheering for the U.N.
and Mr. Holbrooke and yet another half-assed [a la bussing,
affirmative action, etc.] typically American solution! By and
large it is a very odd way for the Prince of Peace which
Handke so frequently quite genuinely would like and tries to
be, to proceed.
Handke later revealed that he even made it a point to ex-
pose himself as little as possible to further information
once he went on his trip and started to write his piece - and
as we read it we conclude that he didnt need to: Handke, if
one goes back to that point in time and looks at his deep
life-long acquaintance with matters Yugoslavian and what he
had written, especially about his motherland Slovenia, was
sufficiently informed to make the cool-headed judgement that
the media-generated demonizing of the Serbs was what? Yet
another instance of demonizing on the part of age-old rumor
mill; and so it is no doubt wonderful that these two texts
and the many-citied tour during which Handke read them and
got to display himself in what he considered a just cause to
a cast of thousands - the naked ego exhibition W.O.W. [1976-
{23] notes that someone such as himself ought really be the
founder of a religion with the requisite followers - led to a
less one-sided presentation of matters Serbian, led to a de-
demonizing of a group of people, a cultural tribe [a his-
torically tolerant one! according to Handke! who in his at-
tempt to redress the balance sometimes sounds like a blurb
writer] a demonizing which no one in his right mind - yes, if
your scattered mind were not like that sponge that cant de-
fend itself against the news detritus - would have let anyone
demonize for them in the first place: but did that require
such a funny way of going about it? Possiblemente. And on the
part of someone who studied law.{24} Handke mutters and quib-
bles on and on about who cast the first stone, and Justice
for Serbia and Summer Sequel, it is really one document, is
not a reasoned brief in any sense. You might want Handke as
your supporter, but not as your lawyer in any English lang-
uage court; Or any other for that matter, tribal, common law,
you name it. One way of establishing differences in this re-
gard might be to consider how Ronald Dworkin, or a Juergen
Habermas might argue matters of this kind. Or read what
excellent books some reporters produced once they were not
faced by their daily deadlines - Roy Gutman, David Rieff,
Laura Silber, Misha Glenny or Chuck Sudetic; David Igna-
tieffs pieces in the New York Review. Why bother to quibble
about that aberrational Russian W.H. Auden Joseph Brodskys
piece in the New York Times Sunday Magazine? Its all very
odd - except that if you so quibble you better get matters
right, and achieve the best possible differentiations.
Handke actually has a good sense of what occurs in a
power vacuum when a number of provincial war lords begin to
assert themselves, though he puts little of this in the ab-
stract terms of political philosophy, and by and large is the
better and more concrete and differentiated off for it. He
Handkes Slavic Connection [23]
also senses that other than purely internal Yugoslav factors
played into its disintegration, though again he does not arti-
culate this sense in the terms of an analysis of "hard" fis-
cal and power-political interests. But none of that, nor
Handke, explains why the warlords displaced the peace lords:
the craze for a communal identity - within an over all disin-
tegration - is simply taken for granted {25}. Handke, though
judging by Part I of Justice for Serbia, seems to want to set
the record straight, and so ought to have taken the trouble
to find out who cast the first stone, and not leave it at the
very interesting speculation why it is that the first photo-
op to be spread worldwide was that of 70 Serbian soldiers mas-
sacred by a rag-tag band of Slovenian beer-bellies in 1991!
Who failed to turn the other cheek - this noodling over who
did what to whom or who first provoked whom seems to be of
some huge importance to someone who is very much of a village
person from a blood feud village culture, a person of the law
of talion. To discover the reasons why the Serbs were being
excessively blamed, why there was a Serb hunt on in the
press, for that a piece of cool-headed media and political
analysis would suffice, and Handke sort of provides it in his
way in Part I. In 1992 Handke seemed to agree that Milosevic
and what Justice calls "Yugoslav Tank Communism" is to blame.
{21}. Why Milosevic won out over the forces that might have
restrained him within Serbia is not a question that Handke ad-
dresses - Justice contains some intimations to that effect in
these hugely laconic non-reports of the conversations about
the unspeakable, but intimations of that kind scarcely do the
trick once you start out on the path of niggling about
In the instance of the Bosnian Muslims, an analysis of
their public relations machinery has meanwhile been provided,
but not by Peter Handke; and to figure out each elastic, cor-
rupt, fluid, bedbug-Byzantine-Balkan dukedoms individual
propaganda and public relations machine even years of the
kind of "hanging out" that Handke wanted to do and did do for
far too short a while, and did valuably so, would not suf-
The most interesting part of Part One is Handkes check-
ing within himself his responses to the fragementariness of
news [p.32-3 German edition], as he Peter Handke has to as-
sess it; that is exceptional:
Handkes Slavic Connection [25]
III: Handke "In Place"
Justice for Serbia and its Summer Sequel at their most inter-
esting, valid, and lasting are a very great and unique writer
giving us a feel - it is a time-capsule feel of late fall
1995 to Summer 1996 corresponding to one major stated reason
for his trip - of some weeks spent in and around Belgrad, the
town of Bajnia Basta, which is revisited in the summer, as is
Srebrenice when Handke and his companions finally have per-
mission to enter Srbska. Contrary to the leavings that this
Handke controversy has deposited in the German press, the Ser-
bia that Handke visits and reports from is not some eternal
Serbia, it is very much a Serbia of that time and place, and
to say so indicates that no one knows how to read nuances of
the simplest kind, or havent read the pieces in the first
place, know it only as cafe-klatsch, and perhaps hate Handke
anyhow. No, Handke describes an inward-turned, shamed, embar-
goed, impoverished Serbia where the occasional turkey-sized
range-fed fryer then sticks out like an immediately memorable
healthy thumb - your stomach has over-cathected your memory.
"The trouble with poets becoming war reporters," etc. No, as
a rural flaneurs couple of weeks in whats left in the Ser-
bian part of the former Yugoslavia and a few days in the Re-
public of Sprska this will a be touchstone for the feel of or-
dinary life there at that time... and to how Handke inter-
nalized and then exteriorized the experience given the hor-
rendous quandary that this kind of event creates for the
conscience of this singular human being, who drags all that
volatile history around within himself, and who at the very
least would like to absolve the Serbian people - the ordinary
folk - forget about those warlords - from the simply unac-
ceptable charge of being genocidal maniacs [Handke doesnt
want to know or doesnt seem to know of trained execution
squads]. Equally unacceptable to Handke is Ivo Andrics
notion that every couple of centuries it comes upon the South-
ern Slavs to beat up on each other - there always are enough
"reasons" to go around to take the heavenly [and in Handkes
case, epic] curse against existence out on those closest to
you, your brotherly neighbors. Psychoanalytic and socio-
logical probings of the chemistry and structure of the death
instinct meanwhile are far superior to such literary expla-
natory dabblings.
Upon Handkes second trip, six months later, which is ac-
counted for in Summer Sequel, the gas stations have gas
again, the precious fluid smuggled in from Rumania [the sub-
ject of arms smuggling is not addressed] is no longer poured
out of any old small container, as Handke prefers in appre-
ciation of the preciousness of this earthly resource, the em-
bargo has ended, the barge traffic on the Danube has resumed;
and with respect to giving me the feel and sense of a place I
utterly trust Handke, and I trust him, say, because I once
spent nine months along the Yukon, and the opening chapter of
A Slow Homecoming [1978] brought back that experience with
such conviction that I would trust him, any good novelist for
that matter over any reporter any day, Norman Mailer on the
flowers in the Brooks Range in Why Are We in Vietnam is a far
more unlikely commemorator of nature, to give me the feel of
a country-side or a quartier; after what, three or four vi-
sits of a few weeks duration and we have one of the most ama-
zing chapters in one of the most amazingly loving books that
anyone has written in the past fifty years.
The trouble with the two Serbia pieces and where Handke
leaves himself wide open is that Part I leads the reader to
believe that Handke will somehow set the record straight that
he so strenuously doubts - and wants the reader to doubt; he
Handkes Slavic Connection [27]
will be a better war reporter than those that knee-jerk for
whatever media mogul or conglomerates party line that feed
into the baby birds expectant indifferently voracious hunger
for "the same yet always different" news, that collusion in
the massive news cycle that lives off the archaic, insatiable
unreason at the heart of curiosity; he will go to Dubrovnik
[a Croatian town and stretch of coastline he knows perhaps as
well as Slovenia] which, he insinuates, merely received "col-
lateral damage" [no Serbian could actually shell such a trea-
sure with sadism aforethought!] and he will walk around and
get the record straight. The one war crime he casts no doubt
on is the Sarajevo encirclement, nay he seems to have empathi-
cally participated in it, but inveterate - justifiably self-
enamored or unnecessarily self-aggressive & pathetically,
pleadingly assertive & envious or any combination thereof -
grand and petty exhibitionist that he is {26} seems to regret
that he couldnt show himself there? During the second trip
he and his two sidemen do go to Srebrenice and he will not
just cast doubt - in as much as Handkes media gunning be-
comes wearisomely self-defeating it is his doubting, in-
sistent, obsessive that really catches the attention of
someone who is analytically versed.
One reason that he casts such doubt is because his Serbs -
the Serbs, his beloved Serbs, they and the Slovenes always
used to get along is a refrain also in the interviews going
back to 1992, those freedom fighters of World War II, those
Indians in the mountains, which final image from the end of
Summer Sequel I must say really did a wonderful job of riling
his opponents! - doing anything as dreadful as that, even if
one or the other of their leaders are evil: we can see his
very aversion to the idea of their doing anything like it. It
seems it would be as though he himself had done something of
the kind: and aside all the above-enumerated labyrinth of
historical and personal reasons why this thought is so appal-
ling to Handke, there is his writers "Innerworld-Outerworld-
Innerworld" relationship with the world-word as a text that
is created synchronously as he writes, especially as he des-
cribes nature. The very adhesiveness of Handkes identity as
a writer, which stands him in such unique stead as an epic
poet, militates against him in an instance where he engages
in an event that puts his personal identity to a kind of ul-
timate test. Writing for Handke is a psychosomatic activity,
that is what the word becoming flesh means, and he is one of
the few writers around where this difficult alphabetizing
articulation really occurs. Perhaps that telegram, even if it
comes a second time around, will make it a bit clearer why
matters run the way they do here. Maybe H. should have gone
to Uganda and spent time among the Hutsies and Tutsies.
Enzensberger might have gone to Serbia; Enzensberger could
have been trusted to sort out the variety of the nasty bugs,
whether he would have put himself out to alleviate the
generalized anti-Serbian sentiment? Probably so, considering
how dispassionate he can still be.
I recall Handkes reactions to being asked about the mur-
der that his alter-ego Loser commits in the 1983 novel
Across, commits so grandly, as Handke would also like his
rage to be grand and sacred, though frequently - and here,
too - it merely comes across as petty . Loser flings a Cain-
like stone at the Swastika-daubing old Nazi, the kind of act
that will then gain an Austrian the kind of approbation from
People Magazine that the formula for writing successful Aus-
trian novels for American consumption might be to kill a do-
zen old Nazis!; reviews which entirely missed the excru-
ciating agenbite of inwit that Loser consequently suffers:
"Close your eyes" [!!!] is the novels amazing and ambiguous
Handkes Slavic Connection [29]
opening line - then undergoes for the so committed murder. -
Handke was appalled at the suggestion that in that "act" in a
novel he might have committed patricide. Perhaps he is so ap-
palled because the father inside him is his grandfather, {27}
I dont know; certainly if there is a record of unmitigated
hatred of a step-father, Handkes of his is unrivalled in my
memory of the like. And Across in every other respect is
strictly autobiographical. No: Serbians doing things like
that doesnt fit in with Handkes hypersensitive self-image,
and touchiness isnt the word for someone who longs so deeply
for harmony and for something clean, one drop of water on the
sensitive hair of your standard Western cat approximates his
ultra sensitivity. - Now if Germans had started and were per-
petuating the genocide, you could be sure that Handke would
believe every word about every dastardly act in every news-
cast! {28} Here we see him struggling, denying, cursing,
spitting, nearly foaming at the mouth at the horrendous reali-
ty, especially of Srebrenice. And so it is quite something,
at the end of Summer Sequel, to come on a young Lear-like
Serb carrying on about "I never was a Serb, I never want to
have been a Serb." It goes on for about a page, and you won-
der: did Handke, that hard-working genius, that most avid of
note-book and diary keepers and dictionary preparers to learn
new languages [who in the instances of these two books claims
to have made no notes but to be writing strictly from what I
know, not only amusingly, to be a conveniently fallible me-
mory] and who claims to have poor purchase on spoken Serbo-
Croat, recall this monologue at his desk back in his grand
house in the suburban Paris Chaville in the Summer of 1996,
or have we entered the world of highly theatrical fiction?
[And I am aware that Handkes memory of every day during a
trip is near perfect whereas, like most folks, he has a tough
time keeping the events of one sedentary day apart from the
other]. Is that young Serb for real [real? where?], or is he
merely [merely?] expressing Handkes utter horror at the ex-
perience of finally being in what from his description
strikes one as the town of horrors, Srebrenice [silver spa
town once]. And once you ask the text that question you the
somewhat familiar Handke reader - who recalls how the re-
jected, gossiped-about writer in the Salzburg of the After-
noon of a Writer projects himself into the wounded, banged-up
woman tossed into the bushes - that you have entered the dis-
sociated world of Handkes theatrical projective dream-
writing, the return of poetic realism in the age of film, and
the most superior form of objective intimate communication
presently available in art. - I think in the instance of that
wandering, mad-with-sorrow young Srbskran Serb the theatrical
self-dramatist takes over, and once you [I] begin to doubt
Handkes so convincing representation: a more terrible moment
it is than if it had "really" happened; for imagine Handke,
the occasionally autistic, and psychosomatically color-blind,
who once lost the ability to write for one whole year, lo-
sing... the heart of his hard-earned gentle Slovenian-Slavic
mothers brothers identity. What a disintegration that would
be, worse than that of Yugoslavia as a whole? After all: what
good if any ever came of the Anschluss except a German sol-
diers fathering Peter Handke when stationed in Carinthia in
1941! Anyhow, I think I am sorting it out a little. No: more
than a little. Completely - of course not.
During his Summer Sequel visit, a number of folks in Ban-
ja Basta take one or the other humorous or not so exception
to this or that representation they received in Justice, and
I at least understand this to be Handkes response, during
the writing of the Summer Sequel, to the assault that the
Handkes Slavic Connection [31]
media launched on him upon publication of Justice: the minor
faults that the Banja Bastans find matter far more than
anything in the papers; getting those village details right
is what matters to me is what he seems to be saying - now
this is a far lighter touch of hoeing to your line and re-
maining undeterred than the lambastations, and acknowledging,
well yes, perhaps I got on or the other thing wrong! It was
war," says a barkeep whose name is on the De Haag list whose
restaurant Handke and his two friends visit in Srebrenice. Is
that fiction, too? Is the purpose of these two books to ab-
solve the Serbs if in fact their however dictatorial leader-
ship is predominantly more guilty than the other ethnic
groups, if they had the more efficient, violent leaders, bet-
ter and more arms? The final note of Justice for Serbia is
H.s skipping an angry stone across the river Drina; that of
Summer Sequel of him and his two Serbian friends cursing ob-
scenely - at the horror they have seen in Srebrenice and its
surround. Well, yes, who in fact wasnt made nauseous? Thats
the easy thing to be, as it were. But that, ultimately, is
all that Handke, wrestling with the indigestible, can come up
with. Still he cant go by himself as he indicated he would
at the end of Justice. Anyhow no wife this time around. Why?
Because his psycho-somatic heart-problems {29} make him a
more tentative walker than he used to be, or the preter-
natural cowardice even of barking dogs [the fear of his own
violence?] make him something less than your preferred war
zone reporter? Nonetheless, in this instance we cannot charge
Handke with total presumptuousness, arrogance, or ignorant
stupidity and his once customary "everyone is too stupid"
part of the equation of his psychological catastrophe - say,
his noting of the untranslatable gentleness of Slovenian [con-
template the meaning of that dear reader] sticks in my over-
whelmed memory first of all, and you may have an inkling of
the contradictions he became involved in - this is an in-
stance among his interventions where Handke absolutely needed
to intervene. After all: hadnt I witnessed his first inter-
vention in a large public forum at Princeton in 1966 - and as
you delved into his past you found out that he has spoken up
for what he felt was justice, say for language, already much
earlier, in his school days? Theres his fine piece on Wald-
heim and a generous suggestion how that man might, might have
made some amends. {30} Or can we so charge him? Anyhow, not
as convincingly as in the instance of his relationship to
psychoanalysis [Excursus # 4 of Reading Handke]. What the two
pieces lack, surprisingly so in light of Handkes profound
wishes for peace, are signs of his capacity as a conciliator.
Much as I endorse the tactic of provoking, these pieces bring
no one together, neither the fragmented Yugos, nor the saber-
toothed warriors of the word. And so the brouhaha that Hand-
kes pieces and his reading tour triggered in the newspapers
and in some circles is instructive if of anything that yet
with all the technology of communication at their command the
various, especially German parties, ultimately did little
more than display their peacock feathers and toss horse ma-
nure and sometimes sharper and nastier objects displaced into
words and sentences at each other in those particular paro-
chial quarters; a vying of egos, where, ultimately, those who
know of Handkes greatness as an artist quickly forgave him
for his maladroitness and the weaknesses that the overtaxed
traumatized human monkey psyche is heir to - are far more for-
giving than Mr. Handke is, say, of Der Spiegel [to which he
has been a contributor], in his invective-larded prose. The
intellectuals whose unexceptionable reason he antagonized to-
tally forget his previous work - what I liked best was
Handkes Slavic Connection [33]
someone asking his publisher Siegfried Unseld of the Suhrkamp
Verlag of George Steiners vaunted Suhrkamp Kultur how he
could go on publishing Handke "after this," entirely for-
getting the three dozen Handke books he had successfully pub-
lished in multiple editions and several dozen languages as on-
ly Suhrkamp has known how to during a 30 year period. Michael
Naumann whom I approached about my Handke project at Henry
Holt, before he became the Minister of Culture of the Schroe-
der government, as a publisher, begged off having anything to
do with Handke, either as author or subject of a book after
this Serbian episode.
Best as I can tell, Handkes intervention, yet two fur-
ther syntactically magnificent texts when he confines himself
to his kind of interiorizing-exteriorizing internalizable des-
criptive making-present, two great amazingly and fasci-
natingly flawed documents, testify to the authenticity of his
pain and sorrow, AND his nastiness AND pettiness, AND his now
well-honed ability to be provocative, and his "sacred rage" -
but most interestingly for me, his distant analytic observer,
also of the most extraordinary obdurate doubting RESISTANCES,
obdurate to the point of obsessiveness - the first time Ive
ever seen Handke operate in this fashion in 30 some years -
to try to quibble, disacknowledge certain matters away which
are just simply too unacceptable to someone who is as phy-
sically Serbian-Slovenian Slavic as is Handke? - The inces-
sant doubting is the worst feature of the book [as a symptom
it is a magnificently pure instance of being defensive-aggres-
sive], a terrible way for a defense lawyer to proceed, and
Handke is proud of his years in law school, and had he had
not had quick success as a writer might have had no choice
but to try to be one of those highly intelligent Austrian cul-
tural attaches as one encounters them all over the world [one
of his alter egos Keuschnig in Moment of True Feeling
Feeling, 1974, who reappears in Nomansbay, 1993]. The doub-
ting as method persists in the Summer Sequel, as does the in-
cessant gunning for what any reporter has ever written about
the Serbs - only he Handke, perhaps sitting in Srebenice for
some months or years on end might get the sense of what real-
ly happened - and I, as analyst and listener in a different
village where not long ago I sat and walked its mucho pulvo
paths for three years until I knew pretty much where every
corpse was buried, could not agree more with the listening
and sitting. Handkes tendentious doubting is that strongest
of resistances that you encounter in an analysis. Hamlet the
doubter, the more he doubts the stronger the terrible truth
gnaws at him the more powerfully he will doubt. I take the
doubting to be heartfelt, inescapable, though there is also
method to the nasty madness. When Handke mumbles hortatorily
about an open mind, about enlightenment, unfortunately with
respect to enlightenment or an open mind all he does is mum-
ble. This is no longer the Handke whom "wanting to know" made
"hot" when he wrote his wonderful first novel Die Hornissen
[The Hornets] on the island of Krk in 1965 {31}. The wrench-
ing from one parti-pris to the other does not represent some
suspension of judgment until a sufficiency of evidence is at
hand; I am reminded of how Handke disavowed his friends
criticism of his child-rearing practices in A Childs Story:
"But he thought otherwise." And disapproved of the "dog
language" of therapy. Theres a grand old Slavic dictator
with a "No-Mans-Bay" all to himself there outside Paris.
The denouement of Summer Sequel, the sections gradually
become briefer, resembles the ending of Sorrow Beyond Dreams,
have the same mourning feel to them, are prefaced by the kind
of semi-Socratic queries to which he treated us as a way of
Handkes Slavic Connection [35]
inquiring in his Essay on Tiredness, where all unpleasant
forms of tiredness are symptoms of individual depression, con-
fusion and anger, no matter how justified you might judge
them to be, including a deja connu of a primal scene; and all
good forms of tiredness derive from either communal or indi-
vidual hard work down to the last tired sliver of a bone of
every sinew. {32}
In Felsfenster [the 1998 publication of excerpts from his
1982-1987 diaries] Handke notes that ever since the publi-
cation of the title text of the three texts published in
English summarily under the name A Slow Homecoming he has
become "an untouchable" [in Germany] and now must feel, well,
I cant imagine what it might feel like to write something
that wonderful and have heartless petty reason peck at you,
not that Handke the mythic is open to a generous under-
standing of enlightenment, and now to be an untouchable out-
cast to that predictable caste - "One things for sure,
everything will be different from now on" he has another
alter-ego observe in Summer Sequel.
Whatever the aftermath of the notorious Handkes latest
notorious act, the works announced in No-Mans-Bay and then
published within the past two years, whose completion seems
to have been interrupted for the writing of the Justice texts
and their readings all over Europe, bear no trace of the de-
bacle, just as Nomansbay - except for that futuristic gene-
rational wish that I cited, bears no indication of the impen-
ding trip to Serbia and the interventions: there is the beau-
tiful quiet novel In Einer Dunklen Nacht Ging Ich aus Meinem
Stillen Haus [1997] which is on the artistic order of the
fable Absence; and there is the alter-ego play Zuruestungen
zur Unsterblichkeit [Preparations for Immortality]. The "enc-
lave" theme that these two works share, Handkes exploration
of the already cliche of "marginality," antedates the
Yugoslav adventure. Cant kill the kid as long as hes got a
pencil in his hand! And evidently writing is as essential to
him as it was to Jean Genet who was willing to reconstruct
Our Lady of the Flowers and conceal its carton scraps in his
shit bucket from his destructive jail keeps. The trees of the
world would breathe easier if such essentiality were made a
test for all scribblers. {33}
Handkes Slavic Connection [37]
{1} Slovenian quote from Walk About the Villages, page 83,
Ariadne Press, Riverside, Ca. 1995.
{2} The American edition of Justice comes with the briefest
"Dear Reader" preface. Handke cites a variety of names he was
called by some European papers, the Corrierre de la Seras
"terrorist" seems to bother him the most. For reasons that
are not clear - perhaps he finds the German coverage, the
most heated and extensive, beneath contempt - he makes no men-
tion of it; or, as a "world author," sees himself entirely in
a continental-international context. He reiterates that he
sees no reason to change a single word of what he has
Justice was published in the United States by
Viking/Penguin in 1997. Its German original - Winterliche
Reise as well as Summer Sequel [Sommerlicher Nachtrag], by
Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main; as was Farewell as
Abschied from Traum vom Neunten Land. The sequel to the
latter, Noch Einmal was published by Weser Verlag,
Klagenfurt, the chief publisher in Austria of translations
from the Slovenian.
{3} AND the essays on the Slovenian writers he has translated
which appear in the collection of scattered pieces Langsam im
Schatten, Suhrkamp [1991], this also contains the piece on
{4} Weser Verlag, Klagenfurt; the chief publisher of
translations from the Slovenian into German.
{5} Wunschloses Unglueck, [1971], Residenz Verlag, Salzburg.
{6} Residenz Verlag, Salzburg, 1982.
{7} The text of WINGS OF DESIRE.- the film cuts a lot of the
screenplay - floats another hint of Handkes medievalism: it
is suggested that Germany be reshaped - since painters serve
as the analogies - perhaps in the form of the jigsaw puzzle
shapes that make up Maurice Prendergast canvases, into county-
size principalities; which seems to contradict the longing
for the Habsburg empire -- the Reich -- that we can find in
The Repetition.
{8} Handke with his occasional color-blindness, aversion to
chit-chat to the point of autism, constricted heart problems,
etc. can be regarded as the case of the 1001 symptoms, many
of which, however, are of immense benefit to his art.
{9} Dimitroff on whom the Nazis sought to blame the 1934
Reichstag fire and who became the first Communist Prime Mi-
nister of Bulgaria, in 1947, and who was subsequently mur-
dered by Stalin - if one monster doesnt get you the second
one will - at his death was in the process of forming an alli-
ance with Tito; or anyhow, so Stalin thought!
{10} Am Felsfenster Morgens, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am
Main, 1998,
{11} News of the newest Balkan wars reached me while for
three years in a small town village 650 miles south of the
border in the Baja, at what Americans call "Sea of Cortez"
Handkes Slavic Connection [39]
[The Bahia California] in the form of the first image of what
started to happen in Yugoslavia came to me in Mexican pro-
vincial papers; young men riding victoriously all over some
tank. Well, someone had selected that image as the image of
the day if it was even going to appear in the Sud Califor-
nian, which actually carried far more international news in-
cluding all the latest U.S. Woody Allen and Madonna sex scan-
dals, albeit relievedly in Wallstreet Journal style world
news capsule fashion that allows the imagination to roam and
fill in the usual details, than do the dailies in my current
hometown Seattle. The compadres loved the photo! Right on,
brother horde! They had a few rooms in a magnificent ter-
ritorial 19th century penitentiary filled with nicely pri-
mitive paintings of the "battle of Mulege" [at its estuary
Loma Azul] where the buccaneer Jimmy Walker had made brief
landfall in his attempt to wrest the Baja part of California
for Uncle Sam in the 1840s. The compadres enjoyed a terrible
love-hate relationship to the Norte Americanos, they wanted
to live in a country where you could buy a yardero with good
moffles in one day and not have the banker steal your di-
neros, they ate perros caliente and played volley ball and
held bebe shawers, but wanted to remain Mexican at all cost,
and cheered like crazy when Toronto won the World Series, 95
per cent of them did, and were non-plussed when it was poin-
ted out to them that not a single Bluejay was Canadian. I re-
membered my sticks and stones village dog fights and still
bore the scars. But would be dead if as 10 year olds we had
had Uzis.
{12} But Secretary Baker then decided that "we didnt have a
dog" there; a statement that I who has spent time listening
to Texans in Throckmorton, the seat of Throckmorton County,
the cow capital of the world, talking "dogs" has some fairly
intimate appreciation of and not only because Lil, one of my
last two dogs, a Ridgeback/Hound hybrid, th runt of the lit-
ter, was shot by crazy Texans who shoot anything that moves
unless you paint your goats and horses and mules horns and
hooves dayglow color and put dayglow color accident tape all
over them when they move into the National Forests further
West; because Texans have no National Forests of their own,
except Big Bend, where theres nothing to hunt except the oc-
casional gopher [the bighorn sheep have moved across the Rio
Grande to the Carmen Range], because the large swatches of
land all belong to people by the name of King. So they go
next door to shoot anything that moves, or arrive in their
A.T.V.s [the Gay contingent from Dallas was a particular
riot!] and the news spreads among the animals "The Texans are
here, the Texans are here," at the inception of the bow and
arrow and crossbow part of the hunting season, and you dont
only not see your neighborhood 500 pound black bear for a few
months, but not a single turkey, way up even by the source of
the Penasco River where its salad picking time nearly year
round and the water has one impurity per million parts. Cant
even cash in on your New Mexico Turkey tag!
{13} The theme of "stupidity" "arrogance," "not wanting to
know" that Bion mentions in connection with his finding of
what he calls "a psychological catastrophe" - whose precise
complicated origins and total configuration of course needs
to be unscrambled in each case... The theme of "idiocy" in
Handkes work... the delight he takes in them..."I can be
extraordinarily stupid," he has a surrogate exclaim in his
most recent, 1998, play "Preparations for Immortality"
Handkes Slavic Connection [41]
{14} An identification with Jehovah, who else, has become Our
Grandiositys identification for the sake of Justice.
Handkes continues to take my breath away!
{15} Open and closed becomes a theme in the Assaying on the
Jukebox [1989], the analogy of St. Theresa of Avila and the//
and /// is absolutely wonderful.
. Handke said that writing Walk About the Villages "required
his opening up as far as he was capable of." Openness in the
sense of generosity, imagination, sensitivity, verbal
ability, abandonment of ressentiments ["Everyone is in the
right."], anal sphincter included, I suppose!
{16} Cleanliness is something that Handke has expressed a
fundamental yearning for. For example, take a look at his For
Thucidedes published in the same-named book, New Directions,
1998, and Residenz Verlag, Salzburg, 1989. This is not all
that exceptional a wish, especially considering Handkes
early life experience of exposure to chronic primal scenes;
except as in so much else in Handke, the yearnings
profundity and strength remain astonishing. Yet, recall the
analyst Otto von Habsburgs comment that "you have to love
shit to love life."
{17} Its a simple contradiction, there is none of the usual
Aragonlike hypocrisy here, Handke is the most generous of
people. It isnt some kind of ordinary Feinschmeckerei with
him, its completely physical, and how can you argue with the
physical - except on the couch where you may gradually become
aware, with the awareness frequently coming from the most
unexpected quarters, including those right in front of your
eyes, why your "sensitivities" enjoy psychosomatic - or we
should now say: psycho-bio-chemical-electric-neuro-somatic -
relationships. Nor is Handke, ever so fortunately, any kind
of German or any other kind of esthete. His sense of beauty
goes to the marrow; and he lives rather grandly, proudly
representationally as is befitting someone whose early dreams
of conquests of the world with the word coincided with images
of grand 19th century authors, and though one might quarrel
with the taste of his appointments, his writers cell remains
monkishly sparse, and it is nice to see the benefits accrue
to hard working talent that has been helped up the ladder by
a priestly education; say, as compared to the monstrously
stolen riches in this world. Still, the element of bad faith
{18} Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt/Main 197
{19} Die Wiederholung, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt/Main 1986
{20} "The beauty of Romanesque," Handke comments in Fantasien
der Wiederholung [Suhrkamp Verlag, 1982] "might be real
psychoanalysis," and of course he is more right than he could
imagine at the time: one look at the face of his
Handkes Slavic Connection [43]
exquisitely beautiful young mother and you can take the short
cut of intuiting why her so con-joined love child might
become a beauty addict.
{21} NEWSPAPERS: as which he represents himself in his
diaries as becoming stupider each day he reads them, or proud
not to have opened one - much as Ive seen him rush off to
newsstands, and as he states contradictorily in Justice as
being a newspaper reader in general and so obviously was and
needed to be and represents himself as being in this instance
of his following the news of events in the former Yugoslavia.
Though he may detest the various messengers and the garbled
messages they transmit.....
{22} The only truly funny item in all of this was Peter
Schneider and Peter Handke, competing about who the two of
them was the "hotter" of the two writers: Schneider, whom
Handke confesses to having liked on first meeting - a first
impression that I share - appears to have claimed that he
always put on tight pants before starting to write, so as to
rev up his libido it appears; whereas Handke, who so
frequently claims that his formulations are geil [e.g. both
"hot" and lewd - though so chaste, that is anything but
sexualized as they then come out on the page - the tension is
what makes his writing interesting of course - made it a
point to state that he makes it a point to put on loose-
fitting pants! These interchanges can be followed in Die Zeit
and Der Spiegel. - I looked at a fair amount of the fall-out,
until I had what I considered a certain "feel" for the
{23} Weight of the World [Das Gewicht der Welt, Residenz
Verlag, Salzburg, 1976], the exhibition of Handkes
spontaneously naked ego as it were.
{-24} Law: take a look at Handkes account - in No-Mans-Bay
of the benefits of clarification that accrued to him when he
started to read Roman law. It was a matter of distinctions,
nearly for distinctions sake it seems; no wonder he then
cottoned so heavily to the Wittgenstein of The Philosophical
Investigations: perverse and "Camel-through-the-eye-of-
needle" as Wittgensteins interests may seem, occasional
exposure to them, or to Handkes own Ride Across Lake
Constance does have a uniquely mind -- sewer of words -
cleansing effect.
{25} The Yugoslav disintegration is provides a unique
instance for the study of Freuds contentious Death Instinct
in operation: the disintegration of large structures and
Handkes Slavic Connection [45]
{26} Large stretches of the 1994 magnum opus Nomansbay are
set in Yugoslavia. For example, in its Stories of my Friends
section, the ultimate space cadet "girlfriend" wanders its
southern coast down into Turkey; the "son" too wanders around
it, and it is acknowledged in each instance that these
friends are retracing or covering territory already familiar
to the "narrator" [the fictitious Gregor Keuschnig, a Handke
stand-in since 1974]. In one of the most beautiful parts of
Nomansbays "son" section, Handke differentiates very cleanly
between his and the sons generations feelings about
Yugoslavia - the younger generations lacks the olders
fragmenting hangups, but, as usual, has new ones of its own.
Nomansbay being set four years later than its actual writing
affords the author-narrator [when the author, and not
Keuschnig - or the authors other sometimes uncertain "I"s is
the narrator] to take a distanced regard to the Yugoslav
events that Handke then intervened in one year later; coolly
in Part I, less so as he continued. No-Mans-Bay also
features the sports writer now war correspondent who
instantly comes alive at the sight of anything military, and
who is an actual friend of Handkes who appears as that
exception of a reporter whom he regards with favor in
{27} Exhibitionism
primal scene exposure and derived determined need to show
off, this is not Paris in the mid-seventies when with his
mother having committed suicide, abandoned by a neglected and
insulted wife a typically emasculated-feeling dickhead did
not only write in his books about aggressively, pleadingly
exposing his Slovenian tail to an embarrassed or whatever
blushing world of human monkeys and not only in A Moment of
True Feeling, this is not New York in 1978 where towards that
end of his most loving text, A Slow Homecoming his surrogate
Sorger "feels good about showing himself
naked" [at a window at the corner of Fifth Avenue & 86th
Street!], however he may rationalize his exhibitionism his
theatricality with his "sacred fury" which he imitatingly
learned, had reinforced from his grandfather whom no one ever
restrained in that respect, or which hooked into whatever
furies that early contradictory childhood may have elicited
in him.
{28} Though Handke seems quite willing to take the now
received portrait of the man whom the readers of these pages
know as Tjudman, the then current president of Croatia, at
face value, he doubts the portraits of the Serbian chieftains
as the media draws them: to set the record straight he would
have to make the personal acquaintance of M. and K.. Knowing
my subject intimately, he is the most prescient, within
minutes has truly seen through, to the point of character
defects. Handke, who has met with Presidents of European
republics, on the Continent has the standing to have a
meeting with Milosevic and Karadich whose acquaintance I made
recently in a PBS documentary which quoted people who claimed
to be acquaintances of his saying he was lazy, on a fast
track, what I saw did not suffice for a judgement: perhaps he
became a captive of his own followers? Once these events
develop a momentum of their own? I have no idea who cast the
first stone, or whether the provokant is more to blamed than
the respondent; what is fascinating indeed is how the minor
differences between peoples who have been neighbors can lead
to such general mayhem which are fought around identities; it
provides a clue to events like the thirty years war and why
it could be waged for such a duration. Handkes own deep and
dark and very powerful angers are roused......
Handkes Slavic Connection [47]
{29} For arguments sake, grant that Handke is absolutely
right in casting these doubts. As he states at the very end
of Justice, on his next trip, as compared to his usual
impulse to take someone along after a happy solitary journey,
on his next trip to Serbia he will go by himself, he states.
Which he then doesnt do during the Summer Sequel - no wife
on a very belated honeymoon this time for Hermann und
Dorothea, but the same two Serbian friends as during the
first time around. Some wonderful ["real" "unreal"] narrative
in retracing the first leg of the first trip where Handke
left himself wide open and endangered his whole enterprise by
taking along his beautiful haute bourgeois model of a second
wife, the age of his first daughter and mother to his second
daughter which he had announced a year previous to her birth
as about to be his first son as which his first daughter
Amina born in 1969 in Berlin appears as "he" in so many of
his compensatorily masculine works; a second wife whom he
married to legitimize her pregnancy [yet another repeat
legitimation performance on the part of the Suitz clan]. They
hadnt taken their honeymoon trip yet! Gravitas my dear
fellow, they will jump all over you, not that Handke perhaps
on a wedding trip with a slew of Mormon wives might not
notice more than a dozen well-trained journalists. Hadnt had
had time for their honeymoon trip, perhaps because hes once
again withdrawing from a wife into devotion to a daughter.
Not only is Handke with wife, the two Serbian emigre friends
will meet him in Belgrad to chauffeur him around, Handke has
to be - I know, I did it a couple of times in New York, and
its wonderful to notice what awes him. One of the last great
walkers on this earth on which walking has become so hard,
but hes also a physical coward, of dogs as of so much else,
thats why he doesnt become some kind of myopic war
correspondent. Indeed, even his hatred of Der Spiegel is
comprehensible: what if they dont have a blonde young war
correspondent with "the troops," the German NATO Contingent,
who reminds me of the Luftwaffe helper placards that I was
exposed to as a child: women in uniform, now sexy women war
correspondents with the troops. War and sex, it is all
breathlessly exciting for the folks back in Germany none of
whose troops, except the baby faced border patrol, has seen
the least of action for more than fifty years.
The two Serbian friends, one his sometime translator who
works for the radio station Deutsche Welles Yugoslav
broadcasts, the other a "Lebenskuenstler", painter, worker at
odd jobs whom Handke seems to have met in the marginal dive
that is featured in The Afternoon of a Writer [1988] are well-
described in Part One of Justice, but turn into rather
taciturn, near invisible companions during the trip. In
Sequel there is allegedly a lot of questioning going on, and
listening to an outpouring by whats left of the population,
but awfully few recorded questions or answers, which again
has that taciturnity that leaves the threesome cursing and
telling dirty jokes at the end.
Thinking back, a lot of this reminds me of the 1971
Handke U.S. tour, where he went around telling everyone how
stupid they were, but may have had a greater sense of humor
about himself than he has retained over the years. However,
it is one thing to be a piece of cultural goods and guest and
to be on a fact-set-it-straight mission. Anyhow, a wife is
along is in both instances. {-30] Langsam im Schatten,
Verzettelungen, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt/Main
{-31] I cant say that even in 1957 I felt in the least
unfree in Yugoslavia during my two months there, nor did the
Yugoslavian artists and intellectuals I was with who traveled
freely back and forth across the border feel confined, though
eventually you realized how much of a privileged tourist etc.
you had been.
Handkes Slavic Connection [49]
{32} Tiredness
{33} With all this ethnicity there surfaces a different and
vaguer nomenclature than that of any indigenous tribes
archaic totemism; the Russian bear is either dancing or it is
drunk and sentimental or it will embrace you and possibly
choke you to death, or it will dance drunkenly, the
Bulgarians still threaten to be the Bougres of the Napoleonic
wars and these matters are then ethnically formulated - "ten
thousand years of Thracian blood runs in our veins" the
Bulgarians were proclaiming already in 1980, differentiating
themselves ethnically, imagining a different identity than a
technocratic agri-business future under the food basket
assignment they had once again received, this time by an
autocratic yet also surprisingly elastic Comecom regime - and
I must say I liked the air I breathed in Plodviev, if soil
that rich produced such energetic feelings I would allow
myself to be a Bougre too! At least for the while of the
1/16th of me that is "Slavic." Germans are the first human
machines and thus inspire the terror of a mechanical double;
the world of multi-culturalism in fact opens the flood gates
to the resurgence of a kind of Toys R Us of totemistic
animals while the chrysalis, the crucible of the formation of
identity, that vacuum which abhors itself to the degree that
any grain of sand entering will lead to the formation of
whatever kind of pearl... That the archaic will resurface in
the world of reason in quite this fashion might even have
surprised Adorno. Handke does not go into anything having to
do with matters anthropological or psychoanalytic except to
indicate an unverifiable [by me] claim as to the Serbs long-
standing tolerance towards other tribes [excepting the Turks
who, in Bulgaria enjoy the exact same reputation as the
Bougres do elsewhere].
{- Lest we forget that the violent tempered Handke nearly
killed his daughter with a violent smack/ slap to the face
when Amina was no more than 3 years old; that, according to A
Childs Story was during the writing of Sorrow Beyond Dreams
in Kronenberg in 1971; or kept guiltily [in parentheses]
spanking her also in Paris, he the pedant, And then
displayed, once again it is a display, his fervent
mortification at his treatment of his own child in the book A
Childs Story. There, too, Handke "thought he knew it better"
than friends who objected to his ante-deluvian Slovene-
Carinthian child-rearing practices [no animal rears its young
that way], and termed their understanding "the usual dog
language" - better a few of the innocuous "dog words" from
the world of therapy than such degenerate dog behavior any
day one would think. The violence-prone great writer now
feels that he is the embodiment of Yahweh! Such grandiosity:
isnt it something to behold!
{-] Handke can be seen berating himself in his diaries too,
and in W.A.T.V. criticizes himself roundly and with much
humor; but such criticism, evidently lacking an understanding
of the more or less complicated origins of the symptoms, does
not suffice.
{-00] Handke who is as afraid of his own violence as any
coward only acts or used to act out his violence in his
trance state in his writing: and then calls it an incursion
of history: that chain-swinging Indian in A Slow Homecoming,
the protagonist Loser in Across killing the old Nazi [father]
swastika smearing defacer...
{- "Starting in 1991, internecine warfare of the most heinous
kind began to erupt between various closely related tribes in
a European region bordered on the Northwest by the Austrian
Alps, to the north approximating the course of the river
Danube and to the South to South-East by the Adriatic Sea as
far south as the nation-states of Romania, Macedonia, and
Albania. Having been loosely federated for nearly a hundred
years under the title of Yugoslavia [The Land of the Southern
Slobs, Croats, Serbs, Slovenes,Slavones] each tribes, in a
belated development of Romantic nationalism, sought to
establish its own individual nation state on the land that it
considered its own, either expelling or exterminating the
minority tribes. Another factor contributing to and
complicating the warfare were religious differences between
those tribes that were of a Greek Orthodox and Muslim
persuasion; non-Slavic Albanians of Muslim persuasion in the
southern-most province of Kosovo which adjoins the state of
Albania... The flag flown by some of the more heinous
exterminators and resettlers was that of "ethnic cleansing,"
a wording that points to the great power that an obsessive,
nay crazed, notion of cleanliness held over the self-image,
the identificatory demarcations of these peoples and their
hatred of otherness, to the extent say, of allowing them to
give vent to their great love of killing other human beings.
The various running conflicts ...."
{O} A hater such as Handke has frequently been intelligent
and honest enough to admit to him and ourselves to be, might
also be so intelligent to check his texts where they such
emanations distort his texts. There!
{00} Romanesque energizes him...
{00} The Serbs tolerant past, yet given their immediate
history, they have a special grievance with the Croations,
going back to WW II, not even with all Croations, just with
the fascists, of whom however there are about as many 70 =
year old fascists alive as there are in Germany and
elsewhere; and also with some Muslims who allied themselves
with the Germans. Fathers and mothers tell their youngsters
tales, we are in a village culture that remembers to the
10the generation... Its the devils from the other side of
the hill did it taps into that infinite, ever replenishible
reservoir of hate that human beings carry inside them for
their unquenchable knowledge of the futility of the universal
human enterprise and which makes them love to kill each other
so much once these floodgates have been given the green light
now by a media other then the rumor that trundled into the
village over the hill. 49 reasons to hate Donald Barthelme
called it. Yes, finally they are the gods of war, the
potentates of death! They have the universe of destruction on
their side! Especially the archaic brother horde! At the very
least, they are the masters of death. The brother/sisterhood
of death.
{00} That intellectuals, too, run in packs, that their egos
are as fragile and vacuous as any other shoppers, yet that as
Adorno said it was important to keep in mind, are not really
the worst people in the world, is perhaps the case. The
contretemps that JUSTICE produced, the Handke reading tour:
if it led to the de-demonizing of the Serbs a little more
quickly than would have at any event, perhaps it will have
been all worth it. The Master and now am tempted to call The
Dervish of Syntax [but will just call Reading Handke] and the
distance and remove from his physical person has brought me
closer and made me more appreciative and understanding of his
work ... who would have thought that? Who has all the strands
of syntax at his fingertips syntax the way Handke does in
Justice? when he describes a landscape? And Handke isnt some
Schoenschreiber some snob or esthete, however defensible they
may be, or some virtuoso in a vacuum. Such a genius of syntax
- there may never have been one like it, if it is
exhibitionism too, then a forceful syntactical sublimation at
its the most useful. But here, obnoxiously, wrong-headedly at
the mercy of a resistance to something that would simply be
too painful to admit. Having conniptions! Its astounding,
the more I think about it, you must pity the man whose work
in the past 20 years otherwise elicits little but love.
{00} than takes the exception of wanting to look around on
his own. And the show-off exhibitionist may be tamped down,
but it will never disappear altogether, not be yet another
media exhibitionist intellectual in Sarajevo, but check out
the other side of the story.
identity/ perhaps they should be even more smashed then they
are already/ all these hardened identities/ that form into
Croats/ Serbs/ the vacuum tubes....LYING, PAR EJAMPLO/n
Winter is about to set in, not a good time to go walking in a
War Zone.
- with all that abstractness in this abstracted world no
wonder that the sheerly physical in the form of a hard body
check, a smashing uppercut that leaves the bone fragments in
the psyche for an analyst to help the analyzand and him
jointly sew it and glue it back together -
produces the fission necessary for lots of fraternal hordes
to go killing and robbing each other just the way a few New
Guinea tribes, but in a more formalized fashion, still do.
Summer Sequel [both 1996] produced in matters hideously
Balkan , the luck of not being Irish!].
And so even if Handke felt some envy for all those tourists
of suffering and places of suffering going off to Sarajevo
making the news and assuaging their weak self-important egos -
and there Handke makes no bones about admitting to envy
The crucible of identity, one of the laws of thermodynamics
which Handke once conjugated in Kaspar.
, not in this instance, unless it be that anyone who steps
out of the line of the food chain context and manner in which
information is conveyed is immediately suspect
After all, to be best of my knowledge, no one so far has come
forth and demonstrated some master plan, and if a group of
Serb nationalists did, again it would scarcely suffice to
demonize a whole people.
- I dont know, maybe at one of Idi Amins circuses, unique
stridency on this the part of the quietest writer, might make
an impression.
And it isnt as though aside from mentioning Alaska as a very
different kind of winter I even got a chance to tell him what
MY Alaska had been like, he didnt want to hear, he was too
full of it,
and, aside following out every possible strand of
psychoanalysis, has proved one of the few interesting matters
in an otherwise tiresomely predictable world
LAST READ THROUGH TO DO: primitive/calamitous/ conniption/
elaborate on envy/ exhibitionism/ unrestrained/ fine think
it appears in the just published [1998] third major
installment of his diaries Morgens Am Felsfenster,
Does it really come down to who casts the first stone or who
provoked whom as he quibblingly indicates? Its on that petty
eh-eh-eh level that aspect of the book. Over and over and
over. The doubting was a new one to me, Id never
encountered it before in him, or used for such purposes. So
the resistance that these events produced in him must be
immense. Anything but. Indeed.
, and to my ever regret did not know him well enough in 1971
to trust his prescience about a partner to be. Or read the
portrait of the "publisher" in Lefthanded Woman [1976]: that
aspect of Siegfried Unseld has been etched like a photo
negative for eternity, yes that is how that bull in a chinas
shop, that moon calf servant of his AAA writers approaches
their ex-wives with a bouquet of flowers as he wants to
deflower them.
So much for making rather belatedly, for a while, like the
always social-democratically engaged Heinrich Bll and Gnter
Grass, and coming out looking not one bit less self-serving
than the Ezra Pound who would do anything to provide artists
with angels. The commonality of this contradiction is once
again fear, the wish for protection & order on the one hand,
anxiety at the thought of too large a state on the other.}
Philosemitism/ Handke, the castration anxiety ridden philo-
Semite, had taken it upon himself to legitimize his sense of
justice with his interpretation of the law of the Jewish
STUFF FROM Nomansbay re Yugoslavia/ son other take / etc.
Handke the hater...
Romanesque/ the strength he draws from it/ e.g. displacement
ideology: philo semitic, the things he tells himself/
make ;sure that the various aspects/ forces are balanced:
Slavic connection/ mysticism=g.f.-=homosexual component
intern/outer/inner/: sense of place...
self-serving ideology...
Born in mind needs to be that a year and a half before
, among the other matter of just wanting to "hang out,"
and you dear reader, for
one fine analytic moment, I beg you, hold your judgemental
N- Were back in the nights of the chronic primal scene
exposure. The most prescient is also the most blind, blinded
by his own intelligence. "I can also be extraordinarily
stupid," he has an alter ego say in his most recent play
Zuruestungen, this from someone who used to run out of
meetings calling "everyone here is too stupid for words." Or
have an autistic fit when the conversation seemed "unreal,"
was noisome chatter. If Handke wants enlightenment he might
start by finding out what it means and what the consequences
are of having been chronically exposed to violent drunken
primal scenes starting in 1944 when his mother and her love
child rejoined the to be hated stepfather in 1944, and the
ensuing configuration that produced the writer of the 1001
symptoms, the best and most important for the world being the
one that makes him strong when he holds his incessant pencil
and ultimately made him pencil a wonderful book entitled The
History of the Pencil.
N- The little side comments such as the one about "Bosnian
curs" that keep biting the tires of cars are a terribly mean-
spirited way of bearing witness, they intrude nastily into
the authenticity of his mourning and his huge upset, and
Handke would no doubt agree to that by simply admitting that
yes, there is that side to him and why ought he suppress it!
I noticed it about him during my attempt at a first
conversation back in 1966: village sadist, Ive seen that
haemische expression before - that his work and he in every
other way would surprise me for 30 years and make those 30
years in that respect as interesting as living in the age of
Goethe who would have guessed that? The dark angers of this
sometimes very dark person really show through here; perhaps
he thinks the UN Force in Srbska is like the German
Occupation force during WW II?
N-] Handke doesnt lie much, much as he occasionally notes
that hed like to do more of it; and being such an
exhibitionist conceals little, except a couple of the most
painful matters. The displacements, intentional dream-
workings in the fictions, may unloosen him as a writer, and
in the area of the semi-autobiographical fiction obeys a
different law of truth; though a well-focussed detective can
unravel the dream-inventions without the difficulty entailed
in deciphering a fairy tale that bursts ready made like from
the mycelium like a dream. That is why, at least within my
purview, more can be learned about writing from Handke than
from nearly anyone else.
N- H.M. Enzensberger, a more immediate post world war II
observer, once noted that invariably you find all those old
women cleaning up afterwards, chipping the bricks for re-use;
but perhaps they do it only out of sheer habit, their handed-
down, ingrained dislike of disorderliness, is Handke, the
less sentimental observers, comment.
final notes
You, too, dear reader, might want to search out ways to
transform yourself if the naked ego diary exhibition Weight
of the World [1976] were a testament of your own un-
selfconscious behavior. [For an elaboration of this approach
see the Psycho-Analytic Monograph
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